Footsandal Master Robot Whole - September 07, 2017 - Danielle Maye Xxx - Manyvids Girl - Smoking, Robots, Robo (Даниэль Майе Xxx Курение)
You are dressed professional; black or red glasses, blouse, dress and black or red sandals that are open toed with a backstrap that show a lot of foot and toes. No hose. “Sonofabitch, I’m gonna’ be late again,” she cursed to herself as she scanned the living room floor looking for her missing shoe. “I’m gonna’ lose my fucking job if I’m late again.” Just then she spotted the conservative, yet attractive black leather sandal (no hose) in the corner. “Thank God,” she said out loud. She retrieved the sandal, and hopping on one foot she tried to slip it on while reaching for her briefcase. Just then, her phone rang. “You gotta’ be fuckin’ kidding me!” she said out loud once more, “not now!” She answered the phone and said, Yes? May I help you?” she said, brushing the long, sandy hair from her eyes, looking a little bit annoyed at this disturbance. “Uhhh, yes!”the voice on the other end of the phone said, regaining his composure. “Yes, I’m sorry. Is this Stephanie?” he asked, knowing fair well who she was. “Yes. I’m Stephanie. And you are...?” “My name is not important. What I have to say is.” And then a sound started to play over the phone. As it played, her eyes and began to sway back and forth, she could almost feel herself sway with it. Back and forth, back and forth.....pretty...warm... “I’m ssssorrry...” she said, as she couldn’t stop listening to the tones. “But I havvvve to go....” “No,’re not going anywhere,” Sandal Master said flatly. “the sound you hear on the phone is activating a chip in your sandals, making them amazing sandals and you must obey. You notice that your feet in sandals instantly make you to obey. You must obey sandal master. You can’t resist.” “I must obey sandal master. Cannot resist. Sandal Slaves must obey,” said Stephanie in a robotic, monotone voice. Her eyes had now glazed over and her voice was whispered and small. The voice said, “You look nice, Stephanie. Why are you so dressed up?” “I’m worrrrrk....” she said. Sandal Master decided that Stephanie was sufficiently under and that he no longer needed his charm. The pulsating sounds stopped, but Stephanie’s eyes never moved. She just stood there, staring straight ahead, swaying slowly from side to side. Sandal Master said, “Oh, no Stephanie. You’re not going to work. You’re calling in sick today.” Lowering his voice a bit he added, “isn’t that right?” “Yesss...master, must call in sssssick todayyyyyy...., must obey” Stephanie said “And since you’re not going to work, you have no need to be dressed up.” said Sandal Master. Stephanie’s mind, no longer her own, formed the thought that Sandal Master just placed into her head and it made perfect sense. The voice said, “You should take off all of your clothes, Stephanie. You must take off all of your clothes except your sandals . ” “I musssst taaake offf....clothesssss..except my sandals. Sandal Slaves must obey” she repeated as she slowly unbuttoning her business blouse. Sandal Master listened in silence as his beautiful love slave took off her outfit piece by piece. He long imagined how she would look like this; beautiful...naked...entranced. Once her clothes laid in a heap on the floor, her glazed, eyes slowly rolled back in her head as she let out a small moan. Sandal Master led her to the couch where the end table holding the phone stood. He commanded her to sit, which she did without question. “Now,” he said, “it’s time for you to call in sick, my sandal slave. Do so now.” Without looking, Stephanie robotically picked up the receiver and dialed the number to her place of employment. “Helllllo...?” she said “I’mmmm sssssick todayyy...” whispered Stephanie. After Stephanie finished the call, she stood there, naked and with a wide stare Camera pans her from her feet all the way to her eyes and then a total body picture. Satisfied with a job well done, but not entirely satisfied at present, Sandal Master once again turned his attention onto Stephanie. “Stephanie...can you hear me?” Sandal Master asked softly. “Yesss...I hear you...” she replied into her chest. “I want you to open your eyes now, but I want you to remain completely iin my power. Do you understand me?” “I unnnnder....sssstand.... Sandal Master, sandal slaves must obey” she murmured. And once again Sandal Master gave additional commands. The voice says, “Yes, Stephanie, you will obey sandal master because you are now my sandal slave. Your eyes are tense and rolling around in spirals in a trance like a zombie as your sandals take over your mind. You are now addicted to your sandals. You Must Obey. You must wear sandals all the time. You Must Obey. You love the way they look on your feet. You will throw out all of your shoes that are not sandals. Cannot come off your feet. You will obey in your sandals