Kendallolsen - Manyvids Girl - Nice Guys Finish Last For A Reason - August 23, 2018 - Mind Fuck, Humiliation, Female Domination (Женское Доминирование)
Nice guys always finish last. Self-proclaimed nice guys always will. Admit it, your nice guy schtick is just a cop-out. "Nice guy" is a term used by beta fucks likes you to comfort yourself when you can't get a girlfriend. Its so much easier to sit at home, jerking off alone while you mutter to yourself about women's preference for "alpha douchebags." The truth of the matter is... nice guys finish last because you don't have the fucking balls to get a woman. You're not man enough to actually put yourself out there and pursue the girls of your dreams. You're a pussy. You're a spineless coward. "Nice guys" like you will always finish last.